
i LOVE anime!!!!! and manga. Anime means animation but the anime i like is japanese animation. I love the stories and the art work b/c its different from american cartoons. Manga is a graphic novel (comic) but th art work is aslo different. the chararcters have wide eyes and the faces are usually long( not all the time)
anime are shows like
one piece
dragon ball
i love anime so much. Im aslo good at drawing it too ( welll for my age) One day soon i wanna work at EA games as an artist. Lately it's all i ever think about. i always thought it would be so cool for me to have a job as something i like enjoy doing and also is good at. one day i wanna go to japan and meet haiyo miyazaki. he's the best director ever( i think) he's work is so good. My favorite movie of his is spirted away. when i was little and i saw that movie i feel in love. also when i was younger i saw another movie of his called kiki' delivery service. i havnt seen all of his movies yet but most of them. i stilll havnt seen the cat returns but imma get the movie so im happy Anime has also gave me alot of friends. i have met lots of cool ppl from just knowing a series. if i could work at EA games that nothing esle in the world (besides school) would matter to me
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